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Noelle Pinar
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)487-9030 ext. 6304
Anton Pintar
Onsite Tech Support Specialist
Samuel Pitts
Support Technician
Kaitlin Purdy
School Psychologist
Special Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 125
Andrea Raasio
School Psychologist
Special Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 109
Brooklyn Rajala
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)487-9030 ext. 6308
Michael Randell
Construction/Building Trades Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 305
James Rautiola
Superintendent’s Office
(906)482-4250 ext. 185
Chloe Reed
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)487-9030 ext. 6304
Allison Richmond
Mental Health Professional
General Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 152
Adel Riutta
Speech Language Pathologist
Special Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 165
Loret Roberts
Executive Secretary to the Superintendent
Superintendent’s Office
(906)482-4250 ext. 182
Jennifer Roose
Early On Service Coordinator
Special Education - Early Childhood
(906)482-4250 ext. 107
Pat Roth
Transportation & Maintenance
Paula Roth
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906) 524-8309
Maren Rouleau
Superviser of Special Education
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 105
Judy Ruonavaara
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)483-2540 ext. 8113
Jeremy Sandrik
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 162
Courtney Sant
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 174
Margo Santti
Mental Health Professional
General Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 147