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Lorie Maki
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)/Health Careers Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 304
Taryn Mason
Director, Comprehensive School Health (Contracted)
General Education
Benjamin Maycunich
Welding/Foundations Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906)524-6000 ext. 400
Katlyn McGahan
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)524-6000 ext. 365
Jennifer Meyer
Special Education Dean of Students
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 104
Linda Miller
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 196
Elizabeth Miller
Occupational Therapist (Contracted)
Special Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 196
Cassaundra Moreno
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 108
Natalie Morgan
Mental Health Services Coordinator
General Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 146
Steven Mott
Onsite Tech Support Specialist
Heather Mroz
Behavior Support Specialist
Special Education - Learning Center
(906) 428-4250 ext. 159
Peter Murr
Welding Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 302
David Narhi
Auto Technology Instructor
Career & Technical Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 306
Joe Neher
Kitchen Staff
Special Education - Learning Center
Lynda Obee
MS/HS MiCI Teacher Apprentice
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)524-6000 ext. 365
Amanda Ollanketo
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)482-4250 ext. 126
Brooke Osterman
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)/Health Careers Instructor (Contracted)
Career & Technical Education
Maggie Pelli
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
Kristina Penfold
Director of Special Education
Special Education
(906)482-4250 ext. 190
Aubree Pietila
Instructional Aide/Bus Aide
Special Education - Learning Center
(906)487-9030 ext. 6304