Teacher Certification Resources

Teacher Evaluation Data-Rep Submission Appeal Process

Teacher evaluation ratings are submitted at the end of each school year to the REP (Registry of Educational Personnel). Public Act 173 of 2015, the new Michigan educator evaluation law, links teacher certificate renewal and progression to teacher evaluation data for the most recent five-year period.

More specifically, it affects renewal or advancement for the optional Advanced Professional Certificate; and on or after July 1, 2018, it affects progression from the Provisional to the initial Professional Certificate. It does not impact renewal of Provisional or Professional certificates. Teachers can view the effectiveness labels reported by their district within their individual MOECS (Michigan Online Educator Certification System) accounts. This information is only available for teaching position assignments requiring annual effectiveness ratings.

If a teacher believes that any of the ratings have been reported in the REP incorrectly, the teacher can appeal them by contacting their school district’s REP submitter. For Copper Country ISD teachers, the REP submitter is Loret Roberts, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent, (906)482-4250, ext. 182. The rating reported will be compared with the formal written evaluation in the teacher’s personnel file, and will be corrected if the entry doesn’t match the written evaluation. Corrections must be made by December 1st of each year.

Following are two documents from the Michigan Department of Education. One explains how effectiveness ratings can affect certification, and the other clarifies how to interpret the ratings in MOECS.